The Kalaeco Chronicles – 5 – Less than 5 Days to Go

Okay, this is not exactly a blog post to be specific. It is just a reminder to you all (and myself too) that day after tomorrow, the new version of Kalaeco Creations will be live.

Less than 2 days to go and I am on track to re-launch Kalaeco. I am so excited that I repeatedly write ‘launch’ in place of ‘re-launch’. This is good right? It is a fresh start to a new journey. Technically an existing journey. But a fresh start nevertheless.

Visible Countdown

Now if you visit, you will see a running countdown to the launch (Re-launch, see, I did it again) of Kalaeco’s new face. You can sign up to get updates about and its relaunch.

What next?

Another day of wait, and then you will see a new face, a new logo, a new homepage, a new concept of Kalaeco. I had a grand feeling while typing this. The sentence looks so small though. Anyway. I am excited about the upcoming relaunch. Are you too? Tell me in the comments.

Also, sign up for updates about Hustlepuff from the form below.

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